Tim Walz’s career is OVER.



Imagine that !! Another LYING DEMOCRAT !!

I am in the MN National Guard and currently serving on deployment, my current Chief Warrant Officer has stated he went on the same deployment that Walz dropped out of. Walz is a fraud


  1. Not only stolen valor. You are a lying conniving disgusting representative of the military. I’m glad you weren’t a marine cause I’d hunt you down like a dog just saying.

  2. I’m 75 in 68 I was squad leader in nam was awarded 3 Purple Hearts I can relate to Vance’s comments on following yellow foot prints.Watz ,He is a disgrace to all of us who offered our lives for our country

  3. To all the veterans who have honorably served our country, I too served from 1974 to 77 with the 82nd Airborne Div. We hold honor above all! To be told that you have served your country with honor is the highest compliment imaginable. But now we have a COWARD running for VP. he left his unit before their deployment, which is desertion in my book. Tampon Tim is what we call “dishonorable”! It would be disgraceful if he becomes VP and the “HONORABLE” Marine Guard have to stand at attention and salute this piece of crap! And the worst part of all is he is proud of his “so called service”

  4. Now Walz thinks he’ll be VP in the WH – how dangerous is that? Walz just loves China. If he loves China so much, then get the hell out of the U.S. and go live there. I’m sure they’ll welcome him with open arms. Can you imagine this lowlife guy. What a ticket Harriz/Walz is – two radical socialists who love communism.
    Thank all you guys for your service to the United States of America.

  5. Please people who still don’t know who they are voting for yet, do your homework and see who is going to save America with policies before you vote. This election is to save America.

  6. Just wish people would be honest and put out the best information that will help the common voter to make a wise decision this election. So much dis information I’m a veteran and served proudly and honorably
    vote 2024 let’s get back on track to make America great again


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