True-blue’ Democrat leaves party, backs Trump: This was the ‘final straw’



She escaped the CULT

Gloria Romero realizes fascism and socialism when she sees it and I’m proud for her in ditching this cabal.


    • I agree with you Jan ArmyVet completely. Obviously Sandi has a major problem with her comprehension skills. Maybe this country should have an I.Q. test before one is allowed to vote. Citizen or not if you are too dumb to understand what’s really going on in this country you should not be allowed to vote. “NEVER TRUMP”, tells you all you need to know about Sandi’s lack of intelligence. Please continue to support Harris as you two deserve each other. Jan ArmyVet and I will stay with the intelligent people.

    • You and your ilk (the Dumbocrats) do nothing but call nasty names, but you never have anything of substance backing up your ridiculous rants. BTW, capping ALL of your letters so it looks like you’re yelling is very juvenile.

    • It makes me sad that you feel that way..exactly why? If you are intelligent, seems you would do your research and realize that the democratic party backs riots, that destroyed businesses and took many lives. I just don’t get it…can you please offer me an explanation?

      • Excuse me, I’m a very educated & smart woman, how dare you tell me I lack intelligence! I think anyone who votes for Trump is the VERY unintelligent person! To each his own…BUT NEVER Trump here! AND, there are millions others out there who will vote against him again! By the way he’s already lost before by Millions & got saved by the Electoral College! And then there was his 2020 stunt when he lost! Read 2025…very informative! And Gary, no substance to your comment!

    • Dogs are always smarter than the Dems. Even Biden’s dogs were smarter as they showed bad behavior to get away from the WH. My two dogs are definitely smarter.

  1. Sandi has to call people names because he/she /it isn’t intelligent enough to think up a proper response. Sandi also doesn’t want Donald Trump to win because he /she /it would be required to go out and get a real job because their free government handouts would dry up. Maybe Sandi should consider moving to a country that will continue to take care of him/her/it, like Russia, North Korea, China, etc. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

    • Real Rebel…..Get a REAL job?……..Sorry, a well respected Business Owner here! And it was a thriving profit full business, & I was well liked by my many classy intelligent customers & devout employees. And yes, very Real USA job, in a classy USA area! I then opened business #2 as owning a retail business is rewarding & profit full when done right. Quit being crybabies when people don’t agree with you!

  2. As I see it the Democrats like to live in the negative. What has Biden and Harris actually given you? Open Boarders, with that high crime, High prices, housing cost that is out of reach. More homeless people. While the Illegals get free housing, welfare, free medical. What have they given to the American people? “NOTHING” (Not easy to live on your paycheck), They condemn Trump He is not a Nazi or a Dictator He loves this country, we were better off 4 years ago. I even managed to save a little money in toughs years. Sadly to say but because of the inflation cause by Biden and Harris that too is gone. Yes I will again for the 3rd time vote for “Trump” I want the country I grew up in And Love. GO MAGA. Make America Great Again!

  3. Real Rebel…..Get a REAL job?……..Sorry, a well respected Business Owner here! And it was a thriving profit full business, & I was well liked by my many classy intelligent customers & devout employees. And yes, very Real USA job, in a classy USA area! I then opened business #2 as owning a retail business is rewarding & profit full when done right. Quit being crybabies when people don’t agree with you!

  4. Does Sandi care about anyone but herself. There are so many people that cannot make under this administration and how about all the young women and girls raped and murdered by illegals. The illegals are getting debit cards housing, medical and phones and who know what other benefits Americans don’t get including veterans. This administration closed down out pipelines and stopped drilling and buys oil from Venezuela which is very dirty and our gas prices went up heating , food, everything because everything depends on fuel, plus a loss of many American jobs. But glad you are doing dood.


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