Trump Cancels Dr. Fauci $15M a Year Taxpayer-Funded Security, Limos: ‘Fauci Can Pay For It Himself!’



Revoke his pardon. Crimes against humanity should not be pardonable.

Trump & Congress should eliminate his retirement pay as well!


  1. Well Dr Faucci was the lead doctor on the origin of the AIDS virus and he said it came from the forest too. He made both he made the h1n1 virus as well. He should be in prison but Biden pardon him for everything

    • He definitely should not have been paid that much money, but doesn’t belong in prison. President Trump is going to put a stop to all this nonsense but there will be many in government that will not like it. They love how the money just flows and who pays for it ??? all of the hard working citizens.

  2. Fauci should be sued for his role in Covid deaths in this country but Biden made sure the filthy slob got pardoned. This pardon should be reversed immediately and Fauci should be made to pay, I don’t care if he becomes bankrupt. Fauci is a criminal and liar who is not worthy of any respect. Many people have lost loved ones because of him.

  3. That dirty, rotten, lying, evil, animal torturing, people torturing scumbag isn’t worth protecting. Cut him loose. I hope he burns in hell. He’s today’s equivalent of the evil Nazi Dr Mengele. Fraudci should be hung by the neck until dead, just like the Nazis. Have it on TV so we can all enjoy it. Grab a beer, some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the spectacle.

  4. Our $36.4 trillion debt will never be repaid. We can’t even stop the debt form rising, let alone pay it back. All the Fed can do is print more money and cut interest rates to 0%. So if you have money in the bank, you’re not earning any interest.


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