She’s sooooo stupid. I paused for a long time scanning my mind for a more correct description of her..VERY STUPID AND NON-CHRISTIAN…but christianity is so vile any way.
What a sorry left PIG she really is. Expressing her leftist ignorance for all to see and hear.
I doubt this pig has figured out yet that the DEI/Demo-Turd crowd LOST THE LAST ELECTIONBIG TIME.
Some one needs to shit bomb her home!
The Bible says: Roman 1:26- 27 “For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.…
The view only have guests that have a lot of hate wanting to turn everyone against Trump. They never have a republican on their show to give the public a different view. Maybe they have been invited and rejected the invitation knowing it would be a knock down beat down by the “women” hosting the View.
Shame on you ABC , owned by Disney….
She’s a bishop??? Someone from her church needs to instruct her in the composition of a prayer! And
give her a scholarship to a manners academy. What a disgrace.
This individual made me think less of her and whatever sex it is.What was supposed to be the American people welcoming in another President.
This was not her day to do anything but a prayer for our Country, and then whatever it is goes on the view.
1 Timothy 2: 9-15 describes the role of a woman. Verse 12 states “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet!”
Get a King James Bible. You obviously read the NIV which has is a very poor translation of God’s word. Timothy 2:12 states “But suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” This was in Biblical times and times change as you should know.
She’s sooooo stupid. I paused for a long time scanning my mind for a more correct description of her..VERY STUPID AND NON-CHRISTIAN…but christianity is so vile any way.
Christianity is not vile. If you think it is, you do not understand Christianity. What is vile is Satan…who is using this evil “bishop.”
I also agree. Anyone who would say Christianity is evil will become very familiar with Satan in his/her next life. What a stupid, evil comment.
Agreed 👍. Well said.
I highly doubt they have trans people in mosques. (Her words)
Just another Leftist play to show how “united” their forces are–even if they are entirely at each other’s throats (and they are).
What a sorry left PIG she really is. Expressing her leftist ignorance for all to see and hear.
I doubt this pig has figured out yet that the DEI/Demo-Turd crowd LOST THE LAST ELECTIONBIG TIME.
Some one needs to shit bomb her home!
Awesome idea.
The Bible says: Roman 1:26- 27 “For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.…
If she ran to the View and CNN then she needs some mental help. She is not right, should not be out in public. She belongs in a padded room.
I agree with you!
The view only have guests that have a lot of hate wanting to turn everyone against Trump. They never have a republican on their show to give the public a different view. Maybe they have been invited and rejected the invitation knowing it would be a knock down beat down by the “women” hosting the View.
Shame on you ABC , owned by Disney….
She’s a bishop??? Someone from her church needs to instruct her in the composition of a prayer! And
give her a scholarship to a manners academy. What a disgrace.
This individual made me think less of her and whatever sex it is.What was supposed to be the American people welcoming in another President.
This was not her day to do anything but a prayer for our Country, and then whatever it is goes on the view.
1 Timothy 2: 9-15 describes the role of a woman. Verse 12 states “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet!”
My reply to you is below….
Get a King James Bible. You obviously read the NIV which has is a very poor translation of God’s word. Timothy 2:12 states “But suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” This was in Biblical times and times change as you should know.