Trump-Musk interview upsets Hollywood elites



Hollywood is dead. Lost all credibility years ago.

Who cares?
Hollywood ’s


  1. People are tired of hollywood and they only prove that Sen. McCarthy was correct when he said hollywood was full of communists. On October 20, 1947, the notorious Red Scare kicks into high gear in Washington, as a Congressional committee begins investigating Communist influence in one of the world’s richest and most glamorous communities: Hollywood.

    After World War II, the Cold War began to heat up between the world’s two superpowers—the United States and the communist-controlled Soviet Union. In Washington, conservative watchdogs worked to out communists in government before setting their sights on alleged “Reds” in the famously liberal movie industry. In an investigation that began in October 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) grilled a number of prominent witnesses, asking bluntly “Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” Whether out of patriotism or fear, some witnesses—including director Elia Kazan, actors Gary Cooper and Robert Taylor and studio honchos Walt Disney and Jack Warner—gave the committee names of colleagues they suspected of being communists. hollywood had denied it for years but we know it is true. Today more than every they disgrace the human race with all their nakedness and probably believe they are animals instead of human beings made in the image of God. No morals, they could do so much for our World but think only of themselves.

  2. Awwww poor Whoreleywierd Elitist pretenders,…. and wanna be Elite, faggots,…. just remember If YOU Do NOT like the Interview, you CAN change the channel, just like we do, when hairass or Bidung comes on, and Same goes for you that goes for the E.U. ,…. freedom of speech is a constitutional Right, in THIS Land, If you dont like it stop threatening, and whining and carry you’re SORRY ass outta here !


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