Trump Will Declare A National Emergency For Mass Deportations



Anyone who says this is heartless doesn’t understand the law and compassion on the ones who came LEGALLY and worked hard for that. Do it the right way. Respect America and we respect you. If I was going to another country, I would do so legally. America was safe for a reason. We want to keep it that way.

I keep hearing about THE COST TO DEPORT. What about the COST TO OUR CITIES TO FEED AND SHELTER!!???


  1. I think any illegal who doesn’t have children should be put into a work camp and work until the money that was given to them and the cost of deportation is paid off. Then they should be deported. Any illegal person who has committed a crime should do the same with the addition of years for their crime. Any person with a child should be screened to see if they are related to that child. If not charges should be filed against them. Parents with children should be deported and warned if they return again illegally, they will be jailed. ANY person in jail should work Monday – Friday to pay for their room and board. This is how society works

  2. M, I, agree with you. All IS being REVEALED! Americans First! Every Illegal alien must be made by legal laws for retribution to the American people that have supported them with our tax dollars. Then deported to wherever they illegally crossed into the U.S.A.! Also, if we American citizens break our own laws we’re arrested and separated from our families, So the bleeding heart leftists need to stop crying about family separations.

  3. The commentors above do not realize that illegals have saved us considerable money because they have supported us and we have not supported them. I say this because you all pay less for goods and services because most illegals are paid less than minimum wages and do jobs legal residents do not want or would rather go on welfare. If we deport illegals inflation will go up because many merchants would have to pay higher salaries, and you all would be poorer. Either that, or more foreign goods that may be cheaper than made in America will be imported so the same merchants can keep their profits, and you all will again pay higher prices and/or will have fewer jobs here. Is thatwhat you want?

    • Not all the illegals who came uninvited work for local companies. They came here to harm Americans. As for the farm workers who have been here under the green card for years, they should be protected from deportation.

  4. I would add that if any of the countries involved receive federal aid from the US, that aid should be stopped or subtract the amount we paid to support the illegals be taken out of the federal aid. Any illegal invader who murdered, raped or robbed an American should receive the “death penalty” and have that action taken within a week. No supporting of illegals who harmed Americans.

  5. My friend has two children born here but their mother died who was undocumented, my friend is legal and lived here her lifetime. It is frightening.

  6. My spouse came here legally. We brought my mother-in-law here legally, completing all the forms, including the financial support forms. We then brought the spouse’s brother, his wife, and their daughter, again filing all the proper forms, including the affidavit of financial support, and waiting for what seemed like forever. NONE OF THESE PEOPLE ENTERED ILLEGALLY. There is no reason for all the illegal aliens, no matter what the libs call them, to be allowed to remain. (And maybe bring back the “temporary visiting worker” program, or whatever it is/was called.)


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