Trump’s REVENGE against Adam Schiff.



It’s not revenge, it’s JUSTICE.

Never liked this dude, let him rot in prison for treason.


  1. Abe Lincoln arrested and never charged 11 senators from Maryland so they couldn’t vote to secede. Stole their property, kicked the wives and children to the street, with the clothes on their backs. This was the first time the Patriot Act was used, George W Bush put it into law. socialism marches on….. 170 years and counting

  2. Little, a.dipshift, pencil neck, beedy eyes, crooked, lying, politician, that should be thrown out of government, for his fkg lying, about Trump. I’m sick, and fed up with this asshole, and his big mouth.

  3. Since he accepted a pardon like other criminals that were part of the illegal J6 committee, he cannot take the 5th. They should supeona Hutchinson and question her. She lied under oath and will crack under pressure. Then they can go after Cheney and the other criminals. Make their crimes known to all America.

  4. So you all think that what happened on Jan 6th was the right thing to do.well as far as I am concerned you all are bat shit crazy.the lives lost then were needless and left families hurt cuz loved ones died .it could have been yours

    • The only life that was lost there was that of the wonderful lady Ashly Babbit. She was flat out murdered by the nasty criminal cop.

    • What lives lost? Ashley Babbit who was murdered by capitol cop who was pardoned by Biden. Unlike blm and antifa riots that burned down cities and had actual fatalities and injuries yet your bat shit crazy demorat party turned a blind eye

  5. Schiff complained about DT pardoning the J6 prisoners….yet he said nothing about Brandon pardoning his own criminal family who own Water Island…next door to Epstein…yup….child trafficking hubs. I wonder why the doppelganger didn’t pardon himself, since the REAL ONE WAS a pedo, child trafficker,money launderer, traitor etc.

  6. Schitt is scum. He is a corrupt pos. Him being elected to be a senator was done under fraudelent . The majority of Ca would not vote for a scum as schitt


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