VIDEO: Joe Biden Starts SOBBING On LIVE TV At White House After Trump WIN! Feds Hold ‘CRY SESSIONS’



I’m crying for the innocent women that were murdered by illegal immigrants that keep getting released

He didn’t shed tears for our soldiers returning in coffins from Afhganistan.


  1. Blinken, Austin , Harris, Biden , Clinton Cartel , and others have no shame. They support illegals, lbgtqwhatever, communists, marxists , socialists, and pithy democrat mayors and other criminals, rather than uphold the Constitution. Traitors all.

  2. Cry baby Biden! You need to be crying about all the damage and corrupt
    stuff you and your administration have done and continue to do until
    your last day in office. Be a great celebration when you walk out.
    Your just crying because you haven’t completed your plan to bring us
    farther down You will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Don’t
    let the door hit you in the but leaving. Only regret, you have not been
    held accountable for your bad deeds to this country. In other words
    we’ll thank god and grehound your gone…..Harris too…..

  3. Biden , I doubt you can even remember why you are inhabiting the White House. There are many disgusting people in Washington, JILL , your druggie son , your brother , and everyone you appointed to a cabinet post or judgeship. You are the WORST of all the previous presidents. Even Clinton. You exceed the useless Jimmy Carter.

    • Abe Lincoln is still in 1st place. Destroyed the republic, killed 660 000 citizens, turned us into slaves under socialism. Oh the lies YOU have been told about this tyrant. And lied to about other things, ever since. reject the yankee version of history. Think for yourself

  4. After what this corrupt,anti-american Demonrats administration has done to our country the past few years most of the country was crying so it proves Karma is a bitch

  5. If any of them “cry” for something like Trump winning, they all need to go to preschool and learn how to be adults in their future. They don’t belong in government or politics.

  6. The only day that will be happier than Trump. Winning the presidency again will be when Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and chuck Schumer die.
    That will be awesome. The great days in America when these terrorists treasonous. Communist child molesters go straight to hell where they belong.Setting on george floyd’s cock

  7. I don’t feel sorry for that senile old scumbag at all. Look what he did to our country. It will take years to undo the damage. Some of it is permanent and cannot be undone. He will go down in history as our worst “president” ever. He’s a traitor to America.

  8. Elvis had a song called “Crying In The Chapel “. Now Biden is “Crying in the White House “ 🎶 As for being the worst President ever, I think that there may be someone who was worse than he, but not by much. He runs a close second if anything.

  9. We had some bad presidents, but dopey Joe is far and away the worst of all. He began the destruction of America on his first day in office. He’s sabotaging Trump’s presidency by sending more money, weapons and missiles to Ukraine. What’s next? Send US troops to Ukraine? I think he wants to start WW3 before Trump takes office. He needs to go to jail for the rest of his miserable life, but that will never happen. Instead, he’ll ride off into the sunset with full-blown dementia.

  10. Couldn’t agree with you more JanArmyVet. I don’t feel sorry for the senile imbecile I can’t stand him. Only thing I disagree is he’s not and never was a president he’s a Userper the Ratsident of the WH. The Hypocrite in Chief and his crocodile tears 😭 is more like it.

  11. Correct. He never was a real president. He’s a usurper. The charade ends on 20 January. Each day is one day less, then adios. Cackling Kammy can cackle her way back to California.


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