The only thing the democrats have learned is this, they need their own Joe Rogan podcast guy, that’s it. They’ll never charge their ideology or principals. They feel that they’re entitled, and that everyone owes them something. Most feel this way.
The left is so outrageous, people are laughing at them. They just don’t get it.
The only thing the left believes in is that the producer’s in society are to be treated like their personal piggy bank to be looted anytime they feel like it, and that their government is to be used to destroy anyone that opposes them!
It’s been around for a century now, it is called communism!
I came to hear Jordan Peterson…..and got about 20 seconds. A little more balance would be nice.
They’ll make the same mistakes again. Cackling Kammy is already mulling another run for el presidente in 2028.
You’d think cackling Kammy’s humiliating defeat would be enough. But no, she wants to do it again. Just like Hillary.
This shows u, these stubborn dumbocrap politicians, are dead certain, to destroy their party, with stupidity. This party is done with, no leaders, chaos, eating each other, can’t figure out why they lost? Will repeat, we have free sailing for about 12 yrs, Trump three turms.
I hope the Democrap party goes the way of the Whig party. Adios.