Watch Kamala Harris Get Angry as NBC Host Goes Off Script to Ask This



Her true nature is nasty. She is a nasty person. Remember that almost all her staff resigned.

Read the body language. She is lying everytime she looks away.


  1. You can’t ask her any questions that she doesn’t know about beforehand. She was asked a hard question and she lied. She wasn’t cackling this time. Of course she knows dopey ol’ Joe is senile, but she still won’t admit it.

  2. I find it hard to believe that we have so many illiterates in the country who actually support this cackling idiot,she wasn’t qualified to be VP and she isn’t qualified to be president of our country

    • It’s a FAKE administration!!
      Everyone knows it was STOLEN!
      Neither one was actually ELECTED or even QUALIFIED for this job.
      There is absolute PROOF.

  3. She is such a moron. She is so unqualified for this it isn’t even funny. She talks about the few Rino’s that speak ill of Trump but what about the thirty some odd people working for her left. She shows in many cases where she is a short tempered person and she doesn’t answer any questions. Words meaning nothing to do what was asked. She is telling people what she thinks they want to hear and IF she does get nominated she will continue her radical agenda which is destroying America. She cares less about citizens and their purpose of illegals invading us is to want them to vote. People have to stand strong and not allow that to happen. We need to take our country back. TRUMP2024

  4. Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie! With that kind of honesty in pre-election days, does anyone expect her to become “Honest Abe” if she wins the election? This is the hugest attempted “screw-job” in the history of the United States!

  5. They asked her why dopey Joe stepped down. She burped, “Ask him”. She knows damn well why he stepped down. His “friends” probably threatened to use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office if he didn’t step down (due to his obvious senility) and let cackling Kammy assume the throne. I hope cackling Kammy loses. There’ll be a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking and finger pointing if that happens.

  6. Is it just me or did anyone else notice that when Kacklin’ Kamie gets stressed, the stretch marks around her lips protrude through her makeup


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