Watch Scientist Destroy Bill Maher’s Narrative w/ Facts in Only 3 Minutes



Obviously Lomborg is wrong, Bill Maher watched CNN and they told him the oceans are dying.

WTF is Bill Maher talking about?


  1. Bill isn’t used to people telling him the truth, because he usually interviews libtards. They can’t tell you the truth. It’s against their religion. Climate change is always happening. The earths temperature varies. Global warming is a farce. These nut jobs who push this narrative are just out to make money because of people’s feelings. It’s a sham.

    • It’s also a way to control people. That’s what it’s all about. There is nothing wrong with our planet except that we have to share the same airspace as the Dem morons who cry “The sky is falling”. Earth rights itself and has since the beginning of time. Many real scientists have shown that time and again. The dense become denser. We do need to be better stewards of our planet though and not litter. Increase the penalties and make trash pickup for a period of time (to be determined) a condition of no jail time. Second offense includes jail time, a lengthier trash pickup and a higher fine, etc. Companies need to have stiffer penalties for dumping chemicals and other pollutants in our waterways and in the ground. Shutdowns if they don’t comply. Reorganize OSHA management so they can do their jobs properly instead of being paid under the table by the companies they should be investigating. Electric cars would be unaffordable for most Americans, not to mention the disposing of the lithium batteries. The purchase price and maintenance costs are out of reach for the average American. The Chicken Littles need to practice what they preach. Get rid of their gas-guzzling SUVs and private jets as they’re polluting the air jet-setting all over the planet crying “save the planet”. I might consider an electric car if the Chicken Littles drive all-electric SUV’s and fly on all-electric jets. Can you imagine them trying to create all-electric jets? Where would the mid-air charging stations be and what would happen if they were out of order when needing a charge? Would they just park in mid-air waiting for maintenance? LOL, just kidding although I might have given some of the brain dead an idea. Save the planet by being smart and conscientious. Vote Trump/Vance 2024.

  2. There is no “climate crisis”, period. It’s all BS and malarkey. Climate has changed throughout Earth’s and will continue to do so, whether humans are here, or not. If everyone switched to battery powered cars, our electric grid would break down. It’s woefully inadequate to recharge all those batteries. Battery powered cars are the ultimate “throwaway” cars. When they need a very costly new battery, you’ll junk the car and buy a new one.

    • we need to destroy the planet, to save the earth. Like Lincoln, destroying the republic to save the Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika. 98 years later, we became an oligarchy, after the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963. and now we’re bankrupt


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