What to Know About the New Movie “Bonhoeffer” That’s Making Big Waves… | Buddy Brown



Good vid bud , my g-father fled germany in late 20’s … his 3 sons (1 was my dad) enlisted & went back to fight aginst hitler ….. all 3 returned to U.S. & lived till the age of 90+ (may they all rest in peace now)

I heard a Mr. Walters who is the Oklahoma Superintendent of Schools. He was telling how Oklahoma was putting the Bible back in the schools to teach the “The truthful” influence the Bible had on the Foundation of this Great Country !
Praise the Lord and more states need to follow Oklahoma Oklahoma


  1. Brave? No, committed to truth and exposing the lies of the left and all the inherent hypocrisy and corruption of the LEFT. “Political Correctness “ is passe’ and has outlived its relevance by 25 years.
    I am convinced that ANY transgender/lbgqtwhateverdemocrat should be thrown in to the FEMA camps that they were building and be subjected to old televangelist like “Tammy”, Jimmy Swaggert , and others. Then listen to OBAMA read the ENTIRE “Obamacare Bill”. I must include listening to Nancy Pelosi for hours on end.

  2. Your site requires I “sign in” to see your video. I will not waste my time signing in to any such site that makes such demand, rather I will eliminate you from posting to my inbox so as not to have my time wasted by such demands.

    • That same thing happened to me for several days. As of today, I have no problem seeing the videos from the email. When I was told to sign in, I just copied and pasted the title of the email video to YouTube, and I was able to bring up the videos. I have done nothing different, which has allowed me to view the videos from the emails. I hope this reply helps.

    • Awww, poor baby, you have to sign in? AWW, my heart pumps pzzz for ya’… You might break a fingernail. How rude to ask this of a delicate little flower like you. Demands??? How about being in the military draft and dragged to Nazi Germany to fight Hiler, you little candy ass? Don’t injure yourself, breathing. That can be a really hard thing to do. Typical of Americas amoebas, leeching off of the country today. Do you even have a job to go to?


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