What’s wrong with them?



Last year, I’d have assumed Soros was paying for it. Now, however, I believe we are paying for it through USAID.
Also, OMG, that effing song.

This is so sad.
Remember when republicans were singing in the streets when Joe was in office??
Nah neither do I
We had to be at work.
These people are the epitome of privilege


  1. These folks seem to be a bunch of unemployed idiots with nothing better to do. They’ll do anything for a few bucks. There is no constitutional crisis here. Which side am I on? I’m on President Trump’s side. Got it?

  2. The so called party of joy is actually the party of nutjobs,psychotics and corruption and hate,these morons were perfectly ok with all the corruption going in our goverment because it benefited thier agenda

  3. who is elon kidding?
    All these people fired will now have to collect unemployment>
    Great cost saving here Elon.
    trump is acting the idiotl

  4. These Demon C r A PS are the stupidest creatures on the earth right now also the most useless most pointless most rediculious fools in the western world! Well sweds ar close.

  5. You can’t argue against common sense. Supporting Trump and his agenda is common sense plain and simple. If you disagree, that is your right as an American. It is called free speech and many people sacrificed their lives to make it so. But not that long ago, conservative opinions were censored by the socialist administration. Main stream media was corrupted and still is,but common sense came through on top.I say if these socialist fools want to protest, let them. Everyday they spew nonsense or chant stupid songs only shows true Americans just how desperate the democrats have become. Adversity brings out the best or the worst in people, Trump possessed strength and made a historic comeback, where as the democrats in the Senate and house have become sniveling little rats. Common sense is lost on the fools that still think that the democrats are the solution, but if they want to play the fool, it’s a free country.


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