White Guy Sets Black People Straight



Some of these black women who complain about women appropriating their hairstyles, have blonde weaves–white women hair color lol hypocrites. We can all share. Quit complaining.

– Dane wants to take his country back❗️-


  1. Some white women want to be black. It’s true. Cackling Kamala is a prime example. She’s supposedly black. Who should I believe? Her, or my lying eyes?

    • she/it is NOT a natural born citizen, she/it is from Canada. We all know, that White supremacist go to Chicago, every weekend, to shoot black folks. Why is the media hiding this fact?

      • I think they do a pretty good job shooting each other already but really get down on weekend Use to love to get the count each Monday on how many shot to how many time they did shot Lot wasted ammo up there

  2. Contrary to the opinion expressed here, at least locally to me, well over half of hate crimes have black perpetrators. I believe this info can be found on the FBI crime breakdown, which is on the ‘Net.

  3. Totally rediculous like trying to be a different gender. These women are dissatisfied with their life. We’re not responsible for their mental disease. If life has made them in a body they hate, maybe mental health professionals could help them.

  4. It is tough having Afro frizzy hair. Very hard to deal with such hair, and the Afros as a “bush” or the long hair then braided, etc. make a lot of sense. I am a descendant of the very first Africans (Cameroons) traded into Jamestown in Fall 1607 by the English pirate that stole them off a Portuguese slaver. The great great granddaughter of one Cameroon couple married a George Brent in the early 1700s, and as she had “white” male ancestors after 1607, she easily passed for white, but she had a helluva time dealing with that frizzy hair.

  5. Remember when Liz Warren claimed to be a native American? Well, it turns out, she’s less of a native American than most Americans. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She’s no native American. Yet she received special treatment because she’s allegedly a “minority”. Now, cackling Kammy tells claims to be black. Yeah, right.

    • today’s DIMs are a threat to everything good & decent in the world. They must be banished, eliminated of shipped off the planet. Otherwise, we need to use them for compost….. so we can ALL have “word salads”

  6. Face it, the only one’s complaining about whites are minorities who want to be white and due to genes , cant. They can imitate blonde hair, blue contact lenses, fake nails, hair extensions down to their waists, but can’t feed the kids without a SNAP card. They hate who and what they are….by choice. Uneducated, unemployed and pizzed off by their own supposed ethnic lottery. THEY let it stop them and then play the victim and place blame.. White people, up until BLM, never paid attention or gave a flying shit. Live and let live, but now,,,, being a different color makes you special? NO…. it does not. The victimhood of melanin is now forced in our faces and guess what? WE STILL don’t give a flying fk…. and that is what is really pissing them off. NO matter how loud they scream, how insulting they try to be they can never change what they really hate…… Themselves… Talk about appropriation…..? DOes anyone actually know a black woman who doesn’t own a friggin wig? Where do they buy them on the Kalahari in the homeland? OH, right… appropriated from US, to copy US, right? WE don’t care. We are too busy paying taxes to support you and your meal ticket babies and yo’ baby-daddy.

  7. With all the wiggs and things they put in there hair these days who can tell I still love the old styles my self Even the afro


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