White House Reporters SCREAM As Press Secretary CONFIRMS Dr. Fauci Created COVID | ‘Trump Was RIGHT’



Fauci is going down in history as a monster.

Fauci for prison 2025.


  1. He new it was coming, before it happened because he helped make the dam monster. He needs to be held accountable, he is dr. frankenstein with our pets, and it all needs to end. Arrest this mass exterminator.

    • didn’t have to threaten to blackmail the CIA. the chance to kill over a million Amerikans ? 16 million globally? mostly in bad health, elderly, JUST like a NAZI would? WHERE DO WE SIGN? They would L O V E for someone to do a thing like this…. and just watch. OH, the foolish idiots and gullible sheeople that the CIA have been lying to for Y E A R S…? this is like a century’s worth of Christmas’s with a huge bow on top ! I can hardly wait for April 15th. Maybe I’ll write my “dues for permission” check with a great big $1000 tip, for a job well done ?!?

  2. Back when Trump first term was getting ready to start Fauci said there could be a pandemic during his time and after all the stuff they try to do to Trump and nothing they could get him on nothing what happened Covid hit. It was Fauci and the dumb ass Kratz. Anyone who saw him say that and has common sense knows it.

  3. Fraudci should be hung by the neck until dead. Or, strap him to a gurney and do the same things to him as he did to helpless animals. In other words, torture him to death. Fraudci deserves to burn in hell.

  4. Oh puhleeze! Are your writers all failed novelists? We can certainly see the reason for their failure! If you’re gonna gaslight you have to select from a better pool of writers than you have been! Stop polluting the the social media world with this nonsense, jerks!!


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