Woke Actress GOES ON RAMPAGE Over Trump and White People



The most racist people I’ve ever met are the ones complaining about racism!

Getting tired of being called a racist by actual racists.


  1. I have no idea if I should agree with her or not. With all of the beeping. But I doubt if I would. Are there people who judge on race first you bet. I personally think that they’re idiots. Everyone is better at something than you are. So what makes you think you’re better?

  2. Another angry black bitch. I’m white and I’m Republican. I’m not a racist. I was very friendly and cordial with a black coworker. We’d hug each other in the workplace.

  3. That was an actress? What is it’s name and what did it appear in. She is one of the most raciest persons I have ever seen next to Whoopie and the view crew. I am completely tired of this. You don’t like Trump fine but those who support him are not raciest but REAL Americans who, for the most part, support the constitution and rule of law. I am one of them and am a disabled veteran who served this country.

  4. Sick of this black racist people who call all white people racist. I hate to tell that black bitch, but we are all equal. Blacks have every opportunity if their willing to work for it (and that applies to whites). If blacks are discriminated, why are they in high position (president – Obama). If you think your treated so bad, go to Africa where you’re welcome.

  5. She is so racist it is coming out of her pores. I was reflecting on a black woman’s comment about being weary of white women copying black hairstyles, which led me to ponder the prevalence of black women naturally born with straight blonde hair. I guess it comes down to this when a black person talks about white racism, that person is racist.

  6. THAT thing is a ‘she”… I always thought it was a man….wow. Sometimes ya’ just cant tell. Some folks they all look the same. The louder they yell, the more they HATE being black. Self-hatred is an awful thing to have to live with.

  7. I’m 5’5″ tall. I served my country, but there were certain things I couldn’t do, so I was refueling vehicles. I need glasses because I can’t read without them. I have a full head of hair, which I let grow to shoulder length in the workplace. I look like a gal. So you’re right. Sometimes ya just can’t tell.

  8. Another irrelevant racist psycho liberal spewing nonsense and division,that’s all they do,absolutely disgracefull and sickening

    • welcome to the club chet. I am a proud honky, red neck, cracker that has hill billy friends. One thing you can never call me, and that is a N1663R

  9. I’ve never seen this actress. I’m a white man. I had a black wife for 17 years, until she passed away. There were very few times that race was a topic. My friends were more accepting of her, than her friends of me. If someone calls me a racist, I’ll laugh at them.

    • and sheeople like her, keep voting for the racist, women hating demon-rats? You can’t get a valid birth certificate? I own a cat, with papers…

  10. I know of some good black actresses, in good movies…but her? I wonder who she is? Too bad that this video didn’t mention her name up front, because I don’t feel like watching her spew out her hatred, for all 11 minutes or so, of this video…if I knew her name, I could look up her work in movies (and maybe tv), and find out whether or not she has done any significant work or not. And if she has done nothing but liberal propaganda tv and talk shows, like The View–then I would classify her as an insignificant actress–for sure. By the way, The View should be renamed correctly, as The Left-Wing, Communist/Socialist View, loaded with paid-off left-wing propagandists–only. There are just some socialist propaganda movies and tv shows that have always made me sick, watching them. Even NCIS, a seemingly neutral, patriotic tv show–has been infiltrated with some subtle propaganda attacks upon conservatives, businessmen, and right-wingers. Even Dick Wolf’s great Chicago PD, and FBI, contain subtle psychological propaganda attacks upon conservatives and right-wingers. It is hard to find ANY mainstream tv show, that doesn’t portray some crazy right-winger or some murderous rich businessman…but do we see any truth about communists, Stalin, Tito’s Partisans, or high-level spies in both the British and U.S. governments–or any truth about Bunkerville and the Western land-rights movement? No, never any real truth–only a very jaded picture of reality–from Hollywood.

  11. I’m white and I’m not a racist. I had many black friends and coworkers. I served my country and I did the best I could, even if it wasn’t all that much. If I take my glasses off, then my eyes get crossed. It really looks stupid and it’s worse if I’ve had a few drinks. So go ahead and laugh at me.

  12. I had two severe hits to my head. One in 1954 and another in 1959. I was never quite the same after that. My eyebrows are arched, above my nose and slope down. I have a long scar above my right eyebrow from 1954. I can be very kind and gracious, but if you’d meet and speak with me, you’d conclude that I’m not playing with a full deck. I can’t remember names and faces and there’s something missing.

  13. …the people who “know” who the racists are….are the white folk who were raised by racists. Sure….if you are a minority…and you have someone calling you some obviously racist name…you’ve probably spotted a racist. But many of us white folk have been raised around racists, or by racists…so we know when someone spews racist rhetoric …and most of the time it isn’t….”evil”…it is just stupidity.

  14. Here is the test. If you say or do something and flip it around and have the other race say or do the exact same thing. If it is racist for them, it’s racist for you. The liberal black community are the racist, not the whites.

  15. this is The pot calling the kettle black” takes one to know one. She is a racist herself because unfortunately all she sees first is COLOR! What a shame. This country will never heal with this kind of HATE being spewed!

  16. This is the perfect example of actresses not respecting themselves by not having a grasp of the English language. I pity those who cannot communicate with others and do not have enough vocabulary to form a proper sentence. I am white, divorced, and have dated men from all walks of life. I have dated a few black men, and I can attest that when I am out with a black man, we have never had any crap from white people. We have had a lot of crap from black couples. The black couples stare and smirk at us as they say offensive things. After these experiences, I learned that black people can be the most prejudiced.


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