WOKE Democrat Mayor FOLDS After Threatening To Use Police Against Trump Officials Deporting Migrants



The mayor does not understand that an illegal immigrant IS NOT a citizen. Plain and simple.

Cut the federal funding for these sanctuary cities. Period.


  1. How did he become mayor, and what did the people, that elected think about when voting. Talking about flip flopping, how does he even run his town??

  2. It’s a felony to harbor illegal aliens, but left-wing governors and mayors are doing exactly that. Newsflash; most citizens want the illegal aliens removed.

  3. We could always round up the illegals in red states and dump them all in Denver. Then, cut all federal funds and let them deal with millions of illegals. All mayors, or governors resisting, need jail time.

  4. This “Pillsbury Doughboy” soft, pale, anemic, squishy eunuch is the epitome of WOKE. He needs pronouns to determine his real gender.
    He was a TEACHER. Does that say anything about him?. A pro -trans, pro -sanctuary, pro- hanging with children not quite normal “man”?
    He back -walked his statement by saying he would ask a classroom full of kids if they wanted their illegal peers deported and he was sure they would not allow it.. WTF? A MAYOR is going to ask children what he should be doing. That says it all. ASK CHILDREN???? how to govern? I have a feeling that, as with so many teachers he was never able to leave that stage in life, where a Quarterback, or Prom Queen were the
    “In-crowd” and dominated in a very, very small,safe, world. He thinks we are still there. Then HE HAS the balls to call on 50,0000 “MOMS” from a ritzy,high-dollar neighborhood to stand in line with the cops to keep ICE out… What is his point of orientation…? Grade school and mommies???? What the hell is wrong with this low-T, Beta male, effeminate idiot? He can’t even READ THE F’IN ROOM.. The Supreme Court, the White House, the Senate, the House, all REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is he blind or is he still waiting for the Tooth Fairy, Santa ( because he’s been such a good boy for the Left ass holes) the Easter Bunny to bring him another gift, like the job he landed in this shit-hole woke state/city? Throw is ASS in jail, or better yet… Cut every single dime of FEDERAL money to his shit covered sidewalks. He kisses the ass of the homeless with luxury hotel rooms, debit cards, free health care… Denver just increased sales tax to support the city hospital who treats this trash. DEPORT HIM. Put him in a tent, or better yet just put him down like the rabid animal he is. Who voted for this twink, this man-child who wants to be class president and will lick anyone’s balls to get there?

  5. Boy oh boy, would they love is pink soft butt in a jail,, He’d be Queen of the Prom. He would probably not mind it either. He actually thinks the Police back him up? They probably all want to see him gone. And he calls on the Thieneman square horror as something for Denver to live up to. HE IS TRASH. What a puzzie, what a c-nt.

  6. Send the Military to Arrest any State or Local official for Treason. Trials in Military Court. If guilty Send them to GITMO to be with the rest of the America Hating Terrorists!

  7. The President can send the U.S. Marines into any situation in the world without Congress approval. Watch out Democratic leaders. And it is strange that the democratic leaders are doing everything possible for the “Illegal” aliens than they are doing for their constituents. They are run by Oboma, I have always said he is the Anti-Christ

  8. Is the law the law? The statutes are clear, Homan has enumerated them, others site other laws both state and Federal. The rights of CITIZENS are different than those of ILLEGAL ALIENS. You, Mayor Johnson, are not a personal replacement for Legislative bodies, State or National. I don’t know whether you will have to go to jail, but I can’t wait until one of you does. Your taxpayers in Colorado might want to foot this bill, but I doubt it. If your city is near breaking point YOU BROKE IT. Your police will not want to go to jail with you, they want to enforce the law.

  9. Hang him for sedition.

    noun: sedition; plural noun: seditions

    conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state…….


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