Zelensky REFUSES To APOLOGIZE To President Trump & JD Vance As He BEGS To Come Back To White House!



I have absolutely no regrets voting for Trump, I’m even more prouder of voting for him

For the first time, Americans watched Zelenskyy leave the White House without our money .


  1. Zelensky can be a stubborn douchebag if he wants. President Trump needs to cut Zelensky’s weapons and money off. This senseless war is helping to bankrupt America and is depleting our military arsenal. Let’s wash our hands of it. Like Vietnam, there’s nothing in it for us.

    • Jan, Zelensky is just a foreign form of Democrat. The deaths of Ukranians doesn’t matter to him, as long as he puts money in his pocket. Similar to the 60’s where LBJ and the democrats didn’t care about Americans dying in southeast Asia, as long as “there’s plenty good money to be made by supplying the army with the tools of the trade”

  2. Read that Trump is wanting to cut All military/$ aide to Zelensky. I hope he does. Nothing is in it for this country.
    We are 36+ TRILLION IN DEBT, enough is enough on these FOREVER WARS.

  3. We need to invade Ukraine and take there mineral’s to get some of our money back before Putin gets it all and we get nothing for our money. Ukrainians are Russians it’s basically a civil war. And the USA started this war by wanting to put Ukrainian in Nato so we can put missiles over their aimed at Moscow. Can’t blame Putin for stopping that. Remember how we acted in the 70’s when Russia wanted to put a missile defence in Quba?

  4. Repayment comes first,
    That’s where the Minerals come in,
    if Zelensky behaves, take the next step and work for PEACE.

  5. There is no reason whatsoever for Zelenskyy to apologize, he did absolutely nothing wrong. The President and VP are the ones who should be apologizing. But Trump NEVER apologizes for anything. Did he apologize to the woman he SEXUALLY abused (convicted civilly by a jury) Did he apologize to all the banks he lied to, did the convicted felon apologize for any of the felonies he was convicted of, did he apologize to all women when he made the disgusting remark about grabbing them by their “p” did he apologize to Ted Cruz for insulting his wife and accusing his father of being part of the Kennedy assassination. Has he ever apologized to everyone he has called a nasty name simply because they don’t agree with him. I could go on and on and so could you but you choose to close your eyes to it, and kiss his ring. He claims he want peace, but, at the expense of Ukraine. The only person at thay oval office meeting who was honest and genuinely wants peace was Zelenskyy, the others, including Trump, are just puppets. Trump is Putins’s puppets and the GOP is Trump’s puppets. I fear for this country, the USA.

  6. Charlene go back to watching the view so you can be around stupid ass fucking hos. Trump doesn’t need to apologize to a little bitch boy. Zelenskyy should be in prison not running a country.

  7. Ms. Charlene Cagney please consult a Trump Derangement Specialist to help you get over your affliction. You are obviously a religious person, attending the Church of the Believers of Bullshit. Don’t feel slighted, as all religions are based on acceptance of irrationality. Seek help without delay.


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