EXPOSED: The DANGEROUS FAA policy that could lead to a DISASTER



As a recently retired government commercial pilot myself I can tell you it’s worse than you know. I refuse to fly on any commercial airline at this time if that tells you anything..

Love the show guys. My Cousin worked for American airlines as a flight mechanic/technician for over 22 years between 1981 and 2004. Back in those days when you performed ANY major maintenance to the aircraft, no matter what model, you were tasked with completing the job, having a second tech verify the task, THEN the lead tech/engineer would check and sign off on the task. He did mention that into the mid to late nineties to save money the airlines started “streamlining” the service policies. They first removed the second tech check as they felt it was wasting man hours on double checking. The lead tech/engineer was still tasked with the final say, but their amount of “checks” on the inspection was literally cut in half to save time/money. Bottom line IS the bottom line…the airlines are endangering the lives of its passengers just to save money. GREED is one of the devils favorite sins…as everybody is susceptible to it. Spoke to my Cousin last year and heard something to the affect that “technicians are responsible for their own double checks and sign off…with a senior tech brushing over the work to verify it completeness”. Doors falling off…INCORRECTLY INSTALLED/FITTED/SERVICED!!! THAT WHEEL DROPPING OFF OT THE LANDING GEAR…INCORRECTLY TORQUED/MISSING HARDWARE!!! CONTROLL SURFACES/FLIGHT CONTROLLS GLITCHING…BAD SOFTWARE MAINTNANCE/UPGRADES!!! MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN LIVES TO THE OWNERS/SHAREHOLDERS THAT FLY ON PRIVATE JETS. Putting profit over public safety is the real issue…along with DIE..DEI…IED…ICH just sick of this crap. God bless us all.


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