NYC is Killing Department Stores… On Purpose


Discount stores like target are engaged in a race to the bottom, lowering prices to convince customers to stop shopping on amazon. But while their new plans might work in some parts of america, in NYC there are reason they wont work at all, leading to more store closures…


Allow people to walk out with $999 worth of inventory… make it essentially ‘legal’… and wonder why everything falls apart… and blame others. The new NYC slogan.

“Why enter the store when you can just buy what you need off the sidewalk…for half price?” Yup, that.


  1. Catch 22 ….The city has to raise money to pay for the whole illegal immigration mishap,from EBT cards to housing …..To do so means that they have to raise taxes,and fees on public services like sewer and water …To do the common sense thing and put city residents OVER illegals ,would have lacked being stylish …If they did right by their tax payers it would have met foregoing national office aspirations …Then there is the OTHER problem …Cracking down on crime,(by ACTUAL and silent ACTIONS,law enforcement things) in a way that hurts the criminal…Would NOT be stylish and absolutely NOT acceptable to the higher ups in the political chain …The Catch 22 is as I see it then …If you buck the National party’s charter and do right by your Tax payers ,you have a limited future in said National party! BUT if you CONTINUE to ignore the folks that you have sworn to serve,(who unfortunately for them )voted YOU in ,well the floor under you WILL fall apart and soon you will have fleeing business ,home owners and be left with beggars and criminals ,which means YOU won’t have a viable tax base …. AGREE with him OR NOT… Niccolò Machiavelli, author of The Prince (1513), wrote, “A prince must have the people on his side, otherwise he will not have support in adverse times”…. In this case I would say tax paying folks rule here because once they leave …leaving you with beggars ,your ship WILL founder and ABSOLUTELY so …Let Us see

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