Russian Dad Gets REVENGE On Pedophile! | Louder With Crowder



I heard this story a while back. It was actually pretty sad. The dad found pictures and videos of his daughter being molested by his friend while the two were drinking, the friend ran off, and the dad took the phone to police. More videos and pictures of other children being abused by this monster were found on the phone, so the manhunt began, and the dad found his former friend first and allegedly told him to dig a grave in the forest. Then, he told him he could either kill himself or be brutally killed instead. Only the dad knows which choice the guy actually took.

We need more father’s like this who aren’t afraid to protect their children at all costs.


  1. This is what America needs to do.. We have trusted our “authorities” for too long and look what we have to show for it. Our teachers are becoming pedophiles, teaching sex acts to OUR kids, the cops are being pushed out of society and Perverts , thugs, thieves, anyone who can claim victimhood are making decent people suffer, even getting SYMPATHY for murdering 9 year old grade schoolers. Poor freak… only was shot, the easy way out, when she should have been beaten to death after being set on fire.

  2. We seem to have some similarity in Arkansas….. except people not even being pedophiles get “Arkancided!”
    The only qualification is being FORMER friends of the Clintons!

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