After Almost Getting Trump Killed, The Secret Service Cries About Mean Tweets | Ep. 1404


Today on the Matt Walsh Show, only a few days after the extreme incompetence of the Secret Service (or something more sinister than that) nearly got Donald Trump killed, the Secret Service is focused on what really matters: mean comments about their female agents. The agency isn’t trying to figure out how and why they failed to prevent an assassination attempt. Instead, they’re busy valiantly defending their own diversity initiatives. Also, JD Vance delivers his speech at the Republican convention. We’ll play one important moment from that speech. And, now hosts on MSNBC are floating the idea that the Trump shooting was staged, in spite of how incoherent that theory is. And, the calls for Biden to step down have reached a fever pitch. I will do something unexpected today and make the case that Biden should stay in this race. I’m Ridin’ with Biden.


Joy should be kicked off social media for stupidity

Imagine how bad clowns feel, when they’re compared to Secret Service agents.


  1. The short agent (with the bun) actually did a good job – granted, she wasn’t tall enough, but she reacted immediately and kept trying to cover his head and face. She didn’t cower and she showed competence in covering him. The other two agents, not so much…

  2. Why have midget female agents. Would you want them protecting you. Only tall men in Secret Service. They looked like a bunch of groupies. One could not even find her holster. How tall are these clowns. He could have been shot again in face with that short little monkey who could not cover him. A joke.

      • reminds me of the “agents” that are usually behind a deak, were sent to Waco Texas. One was climbing up a ladder, reached for their weapon (when halfway up the ladder) and shot him/them/they selves in the foot. wonder WHY Amerika is $35 trillion in debt? YOU are the problem, slave

  3. I think the secret service was in on the shooting except the ones on stage with him. The one agent was moving people out of the way and when he dunked down is when the shooting started. As far as Mr. Trump staging his own assassination, that is really stupid because innocent people got hurt, and one died protecting his family from the bullets! MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking that.

  4. Working in management the truth is you better be prepared to to have the knowledge you have failed. As Leader it is up to you to have the knowledge to know the employees you send to do a job. When the Manager has failed to have that knowledge. Failure in a management roles up hill not down. Truth is up to you to pick employees that are able to handle the job. You see you are the one in charge and any failure is yours.

    • but but Joann, White supremacist and Christian Nationalist go to Chicago, every weekend, just to shoot black people! This needs to stop ! THEY are the biggest threat to democracy. Only a few idiots in gov’t. (Piglousy, Schumer & barry boy obama should choose our next dictator. THAT is how democracy (mob rule) works.

  5. A bodyguard or Secret Service member should ALWAYS be taller than the person they protect, duh! I am a female and my height is 5’4″. My criticism is about the chosen members who are CLEARLY physically incapable due to physical stature and experience. Even if men were the same height as the female agents, the criticism would be the same. DEI is a total failure!

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