AOC gets HECKLED out of diner by her own voters lol



The people in that diner were sick of her messing up their order. Stick to bartending AOC.

I’ve spent the last 7-8 years trying my hardest NOT to blame democrat voters for being manipulated, but I’ve officially flipped my position. At this point it’s impossible to believe that they can’t see what’s going on, and I will ABSOLUTELY blame people for their willful ignorance.


  1. AOC so richly deserves to be heckled. She’s an airhead. Her ignorance is on display everytime she opens her mouth. She should go back to being a barista. Hey AOC, Joe Biden’s presidency has been a catastrophe.

  2. AOC is not the only air head, I am sure you know many democrats. All are air heads and blind sheep following traitors who do not know how to tell the truth and even if they did they would not. I agree she should go back behind the bar pretending she knows something.

  3. Time for AOC to find a job at McDonalds She has no power or influence anymore. She has been exposed many times for being a vapid airhead who only wants to retain her position, Only the dumbest Dem could still see value in her . Talk about word salads, she is the queen !!

  4. Correct, she’s as dumb as a rock and so are the voters who reelect her. When she was a barista, most likely, all she knew how to do was pour a beer and a shot. Anything more than that would be too much for her simple mind to contemplate.

  5. Well, how many kids did Hamas kill? and continue to murder children! So, the ignorant Hamas supporters should answer that question first!
    And I love it when the democrats are harassed by their own monsters!
    And last but not least, there are no innocent Arabs in Gaza, they voted for the Hamas terrorist to kill innocent Israelis!

  6. how come nobody does anything when this happens to the republicans? Mad Max told people to go after republicans everywhere. Poor little twat cant even answer a question from someone. stop voting for dembos that protect terrorist

  7. Hey… EARTH to AOC & KAMMIE: You two are in an arena that you cannot perform in, and show your assets. So, as I have been saying for months, get out of politics ASAP, and RUN (don’t walk) to the Adult Video Industry. Can you imagine the skills you would bring to your first GIRL-GIRL showdown flick ?!? AOC (34D) and KAMMIE (34C) could put it together in a way that would reveal their Passion for each other, while scoring millions in your bank. I urge you, GO FOR IT !

  8. Since Cortez loves Hamas so much why doesn’t she get a plane ride and stay with these people who she admires so much. Cortez has no idea how brutal and savage these murderers are. She wouldn’t last a day in their hands, but she’ll stand there and defend these disgusting horrible people who find torturing innocent people a thrill. It would be nice to see her beg for her life like the people did when they were murdered. Cortez should be removed from congress immediately.

    • I think you are talking not about Hamas, but the IDF, which proudly posts torture of men and assassinations of children on Tik-tok, for all to see. The recent riot in Israeli jails led by an armed group which prevented the arrest of prison guards who had committed and filmed the rape and torture of male prisoners and the subsequent defense of the the same within the Knesset tells all you need to know about the Israel regime.

  9. Thank you for exposing AOC for the fraud she is, At the same time you should be ashamed for belittling the opposition to Israel’s intentionally brutal genocide against the Palestinian people by dismissing it composed of “blue-haired weirdos.” Her support for an administration which is directly involved in funding and arming the horrors of what is being seen and opposed by the entire world, outside of Israel and its US puppet state, says all you need to know about her. If you cannot see or admit that, you are no better than she.

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