BLACK Runner CRIES RACISM After Qualifying For Olympics



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Does she not realize 99% of the top runners in HISTORY has been black ..


  1. Jimmy The Greek lost his job on CBS as a commentator and sports bookmaker. For the exact same position that you have taken. In the 1970’s If not a little before.He couldn’t have been forced out of his job any faster. By angry Blacks and Whites. And all of the politically correct. He apologized any time that he was asked about it. He had a miserable last few years of his life.

    • Your comment was a bit harsh. Remember, the generation that this athlete is from has been brainwashed to believe that she and others like her are victims. As most people know, when you are told that you are a victim, you will ALWAYS be a victim no matter what you accomplish or fail to achieve. The brainwashing is just getting worse every year and this administration has forced the brainwashing with a vengeance. I watch Tatum regularly but I’m afraid I have to disagree with a bit of his opinion on the fact that there is NO WHITE human being that can match Labrone James. Vladimir Shmondenko is white. Does anyone believe that Labrone James can out-lift this white man? Tatam is correct in stating that being black is an advantage for athletics.

  2. The weak minded are splitting the nation apart swallowing all the racism she is fed! And the politicians are laughing their butts off, because the citizens are blaming the citizens as they are being fleeced by their masters!

  3. Still on the WOE IS ME, Plantation of Dependence on their own racism, violence & hate. God does not like racism girlie! Hope they don’t celebrate the 4th….FREEDOM 🇺🇸 . Until they appreciate being American & give thanks to God for being born in the greatest Country.

  4. When it comes to most sports, blacks can cry racism. They are the majority in most sports but are only 14% of the U..S. population. Also, they are often given priority over whites even if they can’t do the job. This applies especially to government employees who can never be fired, no matter how bad they perform on the job. Therefore, it happens to the whites & blacks & others; its just that that they complain the most and more loudly. I admire those who make something out of themselves as they have the same opportunity, and more sometimes. Its the undereducated ones that have a bad attitude as they dont apply themselves.

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