Clinton’s and Obama’s MESSED UP ! Trump team confirms its all TRUE!


TOP COMMENTS FROM VIDEO BELOW Kash Patel and Stephen Gardner expose the elites secretly running the country. They hate Trump and fear he will hold them accountable for their many crimes. The swamp is deep and real and Trump’s round 2 team will be bigger and better.

Yes the border! She has done nothing about the border.


  1. Dumbocraps are finished, done, cooked, they orchestrated a coup against their own president. They are so screwed, and don’t know what to do, but trash DJT, but that is not enough to win anything. They are eating their own and spitting them out, he rats are jumping ship, as it sinks into the abyss. lol

    • “they” will be done, finished, cooked when they no longer enjoy oxygen. socialist are the cancer of humankind. MUST be eliminated

  2. why did the headline writer put apostrophes on Clintons and Obamas?

    we don’t put the apostrophe ‘s’ on plural words.

    should I read the article since the writer/s have shot themselves in the foot?

  3. Round up ALL of the Dumbocraps that have had a part in the assassination and execute them all. It’s time to clean house of these liberal POS’s.

    • Go ahead and read the article and realize that it is written by a person who never had an education and may even believe bulls get angry when they see the color red;you’ll get cramps if you go swimming right after you eat;in the days of Christopher Columbus, everyone thought the world was flat;Marie Antoinette said “let them eat cake” to spite the poor; touching a toad will give you warts;the forbidden fruit in the story of Adam and Eve is an apple;it’s safe to eat food that’s been on the floor for five seconds or less……and the master himself —


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