WOWsy Woosw Please Note that the TRUMPass HAS NO COMPETITION FOR ANY FAKE NEWS 🗞️ FROM THIS COUNTRY AND NO PROBLEM FOR HIMSELF as HE Also a HUGE FAKE to the World and His Party 🎊 and His Family and The People of America 🇺🇸
Evidently word saleds can be infectious since your remarks seem to infected by her ignorance. All you need to know about the two is the great years for America and the world that existed under Trump even as the Democrats controlled Congress and tried everything to remove him. Compare that to the disaster of today to America and the world from the moment Biden and Kamala came into office and stepped in their pile of 💩💩💩💩💩💩.
Just what do you expect from a person lacking an IQ?
Stupid is as stupid votes for.
WOWsy Woosw Please Note that the TRUMPass HAS NO COMPETITION FOR ANY FAKE NEWS 🗞️ FROM THIS COUNTRY AND NO PROBLEM FOR HIMSELF as HE Also a HUGE FAKE to the World and His Party 🎊 and His Family and The People of America 🇺🇸
Anyone who posts has mental issues and one of yours is TDS
Hey JAG I see you like emoji’s, I think you wearing a DUNCE CAP would be appropriate. Maybe you should add “OFF” to your name.
Evidently word saleds can be infectious since your remarks seem to infected by her ignorance. All you need to know about the two is the great years for America and the world that existed under Trump even as the Democrats controlled Congress and tried everything to remove him. Compare that to the disaster of today to America and the world from the moment Biden and Kamala came into office and stepped in their pile of 💩💩💩💩💩💩.
Boy, I guess the only major news that speaks the truth is FOX! WOW!!!!!