Democrat Election Riggers ARRESTED En-Masse for Voter Fraud in Blue State! Caught Cheating On-Video



Give them the Trump treatment. One felony for every ballot.



  1. Yea but mail in ballot allows disabled poeple to vote i believe that mail in votes should require both social security number and an id or driver license number maybe require the real id only to vote that id requires both ss numbers and birth certificate

  2. mail in ballots where used for people who could NOT get out to vote only, disabled ONLY making them have proof
    otherwise NO mail in ballots
    vote in person ONLY
    same day results and NOT weeks, months later
    like it used to be, like it was
    and ones who cheat JAIL, FINE, and voting rights taken away forever

  3. Voting was never meant to be easy or casual. It should absolutely be a task, not a heavy lift, but certainly not by mass mail-out ballots that are obviously not monitored tightly enough to prevent fraud. The mass mail-out ballots simply leave too much room for fraud and theft, and the USPS should never have been charged with that process.
    Our country can better afford to have one week of in-person voting, with paid partisans standing over every box, than what we’ve had to experience since they slipped in mail-out balloting during COVID. It doesn’t even matter if the fraud is en-masse, or even perceived, the country has a right to secure elections with at least the preponderance of integrity, which isn’t the situation we have now. And now we have at least 10million more people in our country who aren’t citizens and should never be given a ballot. That simply cannot be monitored with mail-out ballots. And yes, in the past 3 years, there has been enough proven instances of fraud with mail-out/mail back ballots to effect an election. There is no reason that citizens of the most advanced country on the globe need to wait weeks for vote counting. That is unacceptable and exactly how fraud infiltrates the system. It must end.

  4. Look this is the gig, most democrat voters are on the dole, either as government workers or as government dependents and they will cheat to stay on the gravy train, and that includes all three branches of government, they fleece the producers and buy votes. That has been going on since the beginning!

  5. President Trump was right, he probably won that year! I’m definitely voting for him this year so he can clean up the mess that Biden caused. TRUMP 2024!!

  6. The dumbocrap commies won’t steal this election, were going to watch like a hawk/eagle since your such great cheaters, we’ll see this election.
    u have got away with it the last 4 elections, this time were taking out the entire party, house, senate, presidency, clean sweep and then clean up the deep state, from top to bottom. Arrest all the tyrants, and lying intell agents, fbi, cia, doj, nsa, the government needs cleaning out entirely.

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