England Burning: Enough Is Enough


In this video, we attend a protest in London that has been labeled by some as a ‘Far Right’ demonstration, organised in response to the tragic events that occurred in Southport. What begins as a peaceful march near Downing Street quickly turns chaotic, shedding light on what many perceive as England’s two-tier policing system


These police officers acted cowardly during the Islamic riots.

Far right 1980s = skin head, doc martin boots, bomber jacket, dyed jeans, swazi tee shirt.
Far right 2024 = working class.


  1. Enough IS enough! The British should stop disgracing themselves. Why can’t the so called king make a speech to stop the protest? Was his mother a better ruler or what?

  2. Because the “king” is told what to do or not do,just as his mother was by those who pull their strings. You would think being elite they are at the top but the truth is, there are those above them.And all of them, the puppets and the puppet controllers are evil.Stop the protest? No, what these evil elite want is chaos because out of chaos comes control, tyrannical control. They want people divided,as it makes them easier to control.And any chaos divided people make is an excuse for the elite to crack down on the people, further oppressing them.

  3. Totally true Adriana. I am saddened by the whole thing. And I am shocked when I hear stories of the police standing by while the aggressors behave as as they do – yet take those who protest against what is happening in their OWN COUNTRY are taken away in handcuffs! I am an expat living abroad so I have no first hand knowledge concerning the truth of this – but these things have been told to me by trusted friends and eye witnesses who live there. Sad SAD SAD!

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