Fed up Trump HITS Biden where it Hurts Most!!



There is nothing Biden could do to earn my vote. TRUMP 2024!

The entire Democrat party should apologize to president Trump publicly.


  1. Yes yes someone who is doing the right thing drill baby drill close the freaking border Joe Biden has committed treason in what he is doing the United nation is America’s enemy not friends

  2. The majority of the alphabet soup government agencies are going to have to be abolished, to stop the Marxist takeover of our nation along with never vote democrat and RINO!!!

  3. I do not understand why democrats would vote for our so-called anti-American traitor president, Obidendickā€¦..
    Everyone knows President Trump won the last election, but how in gods name the DEMORATS got away with that when thereā€™s concrete proof that they cheated is beyond me.
    I do know deep in my heart when all these Democrat politicians die, they will have to face judgment as soon as their souls go up there, and it is not gonna be a pretty sight. Thereā€™s gonna be an angel there with a sign showing an arrow pointing to the elevator, they will walk to the elevator, get in the elevator and itā€™s going straight down to hell. They have destroyed this country, Obamadick and Obidendick both are at fault for the China virus. They are the ones that gave millions, 450 million approximately to the Chinese viral lab for the stupid virus. Look how many millions of people got sick and died because of them. They definitely are not going to heaven. All the Democrats that took part in the destruction of this country, will also go to hell. KARMA is a bitch isnā€™t it?

    • Well said, but there is one problem; hell does not exist; Hell does not exist, Hell is a pagan teaching from old Babylon that was used in the first through fourth centuries to lure more pagans to join the then-new religion of Christianity. This LIE and teaching has driven more people away from Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) than probably any other lie that the minsters and priests have used to control those who listen to them. And such men have told very many lies indeed such as you having an immortal soul inside of you that leaves your dead body when you die; the Bible teaches that you ARE a living soul. — If you would like to receive all of the post on hell, please email me at [email protected] and request the ā€œfull Hell does not exist postā€. If you have questions, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible. If you would like to know more about CO2/vaccines/Ukraine, I have dozens of videos explaining these subjects, esp. why climate change is a lie. You can request such information and I will send what I have to you. HELL. See GEHENNA, HADES, SHEOL, TARTARUS. If you want to read the information about how each of these names for HELL were used, please email me and request the information and I will send it to you for free.

    • I constantly wonder how they got away with the big cheat too I saw it all, and genocide on the people is how they did it, so they are responsible for everything wrong in this Country!

  4. “uber rich people” are exactly what the intent behind the federal reserve $ scam was all about. To divide the people into their ‘betters’, i.e., elites and their slaves. How is that working out for you all so far?

  5. Ukraine has been a money laundering haven for the elites who rule most of the states. Send US tax money to Ukraine, the elites there commander most of it and send enough back to the selected pols in DC to keep the money flow going. This had been going on for years and years and years and that is why Ukraine is known as having the most corrupt government on earth. I disagree with that; easily, the US government has to be listed as the MOST corrupt, and the dollars endlessly created from nothing is why that is so.

    • Yes I just wish people would wake up there are are too many weak minded people that can be brainwashed into any lie they want, we need to get every democrat out of power and fast!


    • Actually, it has been pretty well proven that many votes, considered wrong by the “deep state”, DO NOT count. The evidence in what happened in the 2020 election is proof of that.

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