Fox News EMBARRASSES Kamala After She REFUSES to Debate TRUMP


Sky News host Rita Panahi has questioned “just how woke” Kamala Harris is. “The real Kamala, we know she’s woke, but just how woke is she?” Ms Panahi said. “In an interview with a glamour magazine, she explained what caused her to be so woke.”


Can Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump in a debate?

If she is so sure she could beat him, why doesn’t she agree? She is such a terrible liar!


  1. America knows harris has had few quantifiable accomplishments since she became VP (joey bidees woman of color and flunky were her qualifications) and the ‘border czar, what the hell is a ‘border czar’, (sounds like a passage from the communist manifestro),and has done little to ZIPPO for America, is a disaster and an embarrassment among our allies. All of us who’ve been paying attention for the last 3+ years knows she’s been a failure from day one. Sadly the media paints this snake in the grass and opportunist as America’s savior but doesn’t allow her real past to be up for debate, but the past life of the Republican candidate is up for a smear campaign. Can you smell the censorship? Really we have an important election in less than 3 months and nothing concrete has been discussed about what the liberals bring to the table (more of the same incompetence and BULLSHIT, but for posterity they have to name their so called accomplishments. I cringe at what these buffoons call accomplishments, things the average person would be ashamed to call.’accomplishments’) to solve the issues and instead time is wasted on name calling, throwing insults at each other and under the bus, mudslinging and temper tantrums. As far as the Republicans, they’re running interference and having to defend themselves from the barrage of insults and nonsense that in the end gets us nowhere. If people believe the liberals BS it’ll be different this time, they must believe in santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and tooth fairy and the moon’s made of green cheese. After months of this the voters are confused in what to vote for, are apathetic and in the end sit out the election, vote willy nilly and complain about the results. Both parties bring what they bring and each party is guilty of things not to be proud of!

  2. Cackling Kammy is an airhead. She can’t debate. Trump would wipe the floor with her and she knows it. She is part of all the failures and brain-dead mistakes of the Biden regime. There’s no way she can distance herself from that. All she can do is hysterically cackle her way out of every question. What exactly, is a border “czar” anyway?

  3. I was doing a little research this morning, and I learned that speaking in word salads and giggling inappropriately, as Komrade Kommie-la has been doing, are symptomatic of schizophrenia. If my facts are straight, what does it say about the Dems’ choice of Presidential candidates? I think she is more to be pitied than censured, as my Mom used to say. And Joe, if his dementia is genuine, could be classified in the same way. But if he’s faking it, he’s just plain darned evil, perhaps even possessed.

  4. I can’t understand how any THINKING person could vote for Cackling Hairass. The brainwashing of Americans must be running pretty deep to cast a vote for this flunky.

  5. Harris u radical, liberal, ignorant, hypocrite. U shoot your mouth off to debate Trump, but your a total chickenshit to do it. Your a total embarrassment, lying, every time u open your pie hole. We don’t need any more clowns in this government. lol u are the biggest clown of all.

  6. The Democrats cult is as Hillary said “basically STUPID” !! If they put Mao Tse Tung on ballot with ” D” behind it the ” stupid” cult would vote for him.

    6 weeks ago MSNBC said Kamala was WORST Veep in American history!! Now they are saying she is savior of America !! Lying sack of feces !!

  7. Cackling Kamala is unqualified to be President. She sounds like an alcoholic. She’s afraid to debate Trump. She advanced in the U.S. by sleeping her way to the top. As far as being a Black American, she does not have 1% drop of Black American blood in her. Her Jamaican father owned slaves and married an Asian woman. She dropped out of the 2020 presidential race because she did not have votes. No one liked her. She’s an immoral con artist. I can go on and on. Democrats are beyond stupid! Democrats have no intelligence or thinking skills whatsoever!!

  8. If that crazy B@#ch gets in office this country will be completely screwed. They’re already trying to let illegal immigrants vote, probably making so many promises they won’t keep. She is wicked, evil personified, and anybody including all democrats that are wiping her ass. She’s got big donors but who needs actors, big pharma, big tech, and worst of all George Soros that sicko, he needs to just go. Get him the hell out of our country that friggin nazi! If Trump doesn’t get in, this country will be wiped out! our lives will never be the same again. It will be a one party country! No way! VOTE TRUMP

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