MSNBC and CNN need to be held accountable for their hate mongering against Trump.

Absolutely sickening to watch…
Our President Trump should be BETTER protected!!!


  1. Schumer is a total and complete moron. He has caused a major part of this debacle that democraps are guilty of…
    Are all democraps as stupid as Schumer, I believe so…

    • You’re right, problem is NO ONE is EVER held accountable: lying to congress, lying under oath in court, ineptitude, et all! No one is arrested, no one fired, just lie, or cheat, or don’t do your job, business as usual!

  2. Johnny B. U are exactly right, lying, crying, chucktheschmuckschumer and rhetoric, like hidenbiden’s bullseye remark, and other dumbocraps, lying, trashing, Trump, calling for his demise. Schumer is the other pos, with crazyn.piglosi, all need to be removed, for total incompetence. This was a set=up, to eliminate our president. Remove them all.

  3. Until at least Nov 5th(with God willing a victory where the president can clean house),President Trump should put together a fairly large(100-150),group of former spec ops operators to guard him,JD Vance,immediate family,and equally important,the conservatives on the Supreme Court!,,just as Blackwater and other groups did in Iraq.They’re highly trained,you don’t have to doubt their morals,and that’s where the better Sec Service agents used to get pulled from anyways,,before all this stink state,DEI,Demonrat’s acting like Nazi’s bullshit began!!
    And praying God saves our country on Nov 5,then we can arrest and lock up all the corrupt,evil scum!,,from Senile Joe to Susan Rice to Schumer Barry O’Bummer,and the rest of the pond scum!!!Don’t know if it still exists,but there was a time when the only crime other then murder that could warrant a death penalty in America was Treason!!!It would be a fitting end to people like Ilan Omar,Susan Rice,Biden himself,and we have to remember the only Joint Chief of staff to ever make a call to our enemies(China) to say “don’t worry,Trump isn’t getting in!”,,if that isn’t comfort to your enemies then nothing is!!!That POS no doubt commited treason!!!
    But I digress,,,please for now President Trump,surround yourself and the conservative Supreme Court justices(fuck Kentaji brown or Soto Meyer and Kagan),with true trained operators to keep you safe until you can take out the trash!!!!

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