I Asked Chicago Voters: Kamala or Trump? What Happened Next Is INSANE



The people that want Harris don’t even know why. It’s Trump 2024 all the way.

He is the last hope for America.


  1. I watched Harris in NC when she said she wanted to install Pirce Controls and these uneducated, uninformed, ignorant voters were cheering and clapping and gave her a standing ovation, instead of booing her and walking out on her. You have no idea what Price Controls will mean for our citizens. If you pay 50 cents for a loaf of bread, that is good for you, but the baker cannot buy rax material, or hire any employees, with that 50 cents. so he will only produce a few loafs a week, so everything will be rationed and if you want a loaf of bread you will be forced to stand in line for a few hours, and when you get to the front of the line, they will tell yo sorry , we are all sold out……and that will go for every product we need to buy. Milk, toothpaste, coffee, etc. but be sure that Pelosi, Harris and the rest of the swamp will get their bread each day, and maybe two…..Wake up America, and stop all this insanity, and start thinking for yourselves, not the corrupt media!

  2. Just a reminder: The communists like Harris and her clan are anti capitalists, and are destroying stability, law and order, re-engineering the system and tear down America and replace it with communism and turn us into Marxists.
    Kamala= Raised taxes,
    Confiscated fire arms, and illegals an criminals over running your communities. That is her first day…..she has all sort s of pain and suffering for us all! Even you, Democrats…..

  3. The Democrat party is not the party of yur Grand DAd, or your parents, it is now the pary of violence, murders, riots, burning cities, Big Pharma, Pedaphiles, Sex Trafficking, Big Teck, extrotionists, bribery, tax evations, rapists, and communists.
    Joe Biden raped his intern, Tara Reid, but they put Trump on trial for rape that never happened. He was not convicted, but the judge imposed a fine of millions of dollars to a woman who was lying under oath, and every one knew it. Joe Biden showred with his 14 year old daughter, but the democrat morons never asked to get him impeached, fired, or resign. This is the Party that needs to be releived of all duties, like the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, AND THE SECRET SERVICE FOR ATTEMPT ON TRUMPS LIFE. WE KNOW IT WAS AND INSIDE JOB, SO THEY KILLED THE SHOOTER BEFORE HE COULD TALK! tHIS IS A VERY BAD SITUATION, AND IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW, SO VOTE red AND STOP ALL OF THE INSANITY !

    • His daughter was NOT 14!!! She was much younger! AND, he was not President! AND……TRUMP DID RAPE a woman & she won her case in Court! (He with Epstein repeatedly raped a 13yr old!!! For real, they ruined her life & he was to go to court, only it was scheduled the day he was Sworn in as President!) I will NEVER vote RED!

  4. I hope that Trump
    Puts Kennedy in charge of the CIA or the FBI so the killers of his family will be brought to justice (Bush family) ..sh-t will hit the fan and I love it..not a coincidence that daddy bush just happened to be standing in front of the book depository where the palsy Oswald was when JFK was murdered because we know one fact ..no one shooter did that killing either..typical secret service assassination our presidents need protection from government not from shooters

  5. All voters need to leave out race and gender, in this election. The demonrat candidate is a communist and trying to make America a third world country, where middle class Americans will be waiting in line for a crumb of bread we will never get because we are not rich. She supports criminals and communism all the way, and will continue to destroy this country. Wake up and stop ( oh she’s 1st black woman to become president ) she is a horrible person, that cares nothing for the American people or this country! WAKE UP AND LEAVE RACE AND GENDER OUT OF THIS ELECTION!

  6. Oh yeah, the “useful idiots” think price controls are a good thing. They think the big, bad grocery stores are ripping us off. We can either take our country back and elect Trump, so we can continue down the path that Biden laid out and become a third world Communist cesspool. Cackling Kammy will not stop the hostile invasion at our southern border. The illegal, third world freeloaders will overrun America.

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