JD Vance SHUTS DOWN Kaitlan Collins live on her own show



He handled the situation so calmly and professionally!!!! Trump/Vance 2024!!!!

Trump made a good choice. Contrast him with Kamala.


  1. JD Vance is an intelligent, informed person and VERY few democrats can stay in context with someone telling them they are WRONG and pointing out why they are wrong! Dems usually use lies and incorrect assertions to what has actually been stated, twisting words to meet their agenda is the way of the dems. Most people call it lying! Vance is a great candidate!!

  2. JD Vance was right and the way he told it to her is giving her more respect than she game him. Journalists should do their jobs of asking their questions and quit trying the gotcha attitude.

  3. CNN news loves to drive people crazy and make up their own way of make making statements that are true it’s chronic and Fox News knows about it in the world knows about it that’s why they bring up there lying statements they’re not journalistS they are just gossipers that’s all they try to make something out. That’s that it’s not and try to turn around on the politicians that didn’t say that I don’t know how they get away with it they should be shut down their platform people don’t wanna listen to that crap anymore

  4. I can’t believe all you people really think JD Vance and DJT are good for our country. Why would you ever vote for DJT, who cheats on his wife, cheats on his taxes, and cheats on the truth. Do you guys ever actually “fact check” him. He claims to have lowered drug costs, but look at the dates…it was Biden. He claims to have built a wall, but it’s not effective at all, and Mexico didn’t pay for it. He degraded women’s health care. If you can choose to buy and carry a gun, why can’t you choose to have an abortion? It doesn’t mean you MUST have one. ..just means you have a choice. Don’t men have choices about reproductive options? Vasectomies aren’t mandatory or not allowed. The national debt went sky-high under Trump, and he blames Biden. Trump claims to have lowered unemployment…wrong again. It was Biden…look at the dates when jobs were created.
    You Trump supporters are welcome to vote as you like, as am I, but at least get your facts straight! And as for FOX …again, they have been caught lying…time after time…of course, they don’t report that.
    Read an independent news source sometime, so you actually know the truth.

    • Why would you vote for some one who sells information to enemy countries and give the worst enemy money to start world war three. Besides molesting little girls. That means he is a pedophile. How about pulling your head out of your rear and out of OBidens crack!!

  5. Well said LLC! This is just so sad….all I can say is…Really, you Trump supporters have lost your minds. Do some fact checking!!!!

    • We see Obiden licking little girls shirts and molesting them in other ways while his suit pants get tight in front. That is a pedophile in action for every thinking person to see. He sold this country to China and wants everyone who is not sick in the head dead so he can sell your children to weirdo supposedly men and women. He is a thief when it comes to money and he lies worse than anyone I have had the misfortune of hearing. He is the commie puppet and no doubt his bed partner.

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