Joe Biden gets a brutal REALITY CHECK!!!!



When Joe Scarborough said about Biden, “This is the best he has ever been”, he was right. TRUMP 24!

33% thought Potato Joe won the debate?
These people are in need of a cognitive test.


  1. Most voters are TOO young to remember, But Biden has never been any good,…. he has always been a tax and spend-o-rat, I have been watching this clown since he first came to the legislature ( the only job he has ever had has been Government), joe IS Bad incarnate, thief, purger, communist, paedophile, liar

  2. Where Joe & Son have taken millions of Dollars from China and other countries, but not paid a Dime in income taxes, can we too do that?
    You know the answer well as I: NO! They have only documented what many of us have long wondered about to the point of belief, forced belief
    due to the overwhelming FACTS! It is time to flush the national toilet:
    Washington, DC.

  3. The thing that I remember most about Biden in the senate is that he was best known for plagiarism. Never had an idea of his own, and was called out on it.

  4. Newsom says all the last 3 Republican Presidents gave us was recessions. What drug induced hallucinogenic coma was in ? And speaking of recessions, how’s that California economy going for you, Nit Wit ?

  5. The problem is the citizens are not paying attention to the propaganda outlets for the DNC, otherwise Biden would have won this election already, but now he is going to have to cheat win again, good thing for Joe the courts greenlighted the election fraud!

  6. The debate should have ended lying Joe Scarborough’s career. His show should have been cancelled the next day. Obiden didn’t look, or sound, “cogent”. Not one little bit. So F lying Scarborough if he doesn’t like it. Every filthy lying demoncrat politician should be voted out too. Their job is to protect America and it’s citizens, not hoodwink everyone into thinking their president is capable of doing his job. No wonder they don’t want the Hur tapes released.

  7. California has been in a recession ever since Hair Gel became governor. I think the stuff has wormed it’s way into his tiny brain. I don’t think we want the country to look like San Francisco or Los Angeles. Go away Hair Gel.

  8. There are about 30% of surveyed people who, no matter the situation, will back the Democrat position. This % shows up in numerous polls. These are hard core Democrat, damn the torpedo people who will gladly go down with the ship even when the Captain is the destructive force. They have a vested interest in the party, financial, or otherwise.

  9. Our problem is braindead voters that are told to vote democrat to get your handouts and if you don’t stay on the plantation, you get nothing. The democrats have been buying and cheating for votes for decades, we have Wes Moore for Governor, why, because he’s black, we have Brandon Scott for mayor, why, because he’s black. Both are racist socialist democrats and we’re going to end up with Moore running for president.

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