John Fetterman Is Not Okay…



Fetterman is the PERFECT example of the Democratic voters’ motto:

He hasn’t been okay for a while now and shame on his wife for allowing it to get this far.


  1. Shame on the Democrats for pushing a low IQ, brain damaged, psycho- bent unhealthy man into the ‘victim’ column.. That is the way of society today or at least the Left Wing.. Anything or anybody who has some sort of deficit or abnormal life style is now elevated past their abilities. Even TV has shoved this down our throats, ie,,, The Good Doctor, a show about some savant who has autism.. Would you let this person open your brain??? I would not, in case he had an “event”during my surgery, but we ask all these others with cognitive deficits to perform in a normal world. This TOKEN is NOT GOING to get better…. He is chronically ill and unfit, as is our fearless leader, Jellyballs Joe, Joey is senile, frail and unfit. It is shocking that at least HALF of our world leading society is now a delicate, fragile, unfit, vulnerable baby with no incentive or ability to be independent, and contributing member of what was once a great nation.. We are rotting from the inside.

  2. The idea with Fetterman was to get elected, hospitalized, resign then have the Dem governor appoint a very leftist Dem in his place. That IS the goal.

  3. Ive heard that we are becomming a banana republic and after a lot of thought maybe they are right.Its not that we will do the right thing but its more of waiting for everyone else to do the right thing and instead everyone does nothing.I looks at Mr.Feterman and think Dr.Oz must be humiliated that this guy beat him in a fair and square political race???

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