New details emerge about Trump assassination attempt



People don’t trust who’s investigating….

How the hell you get on a roof with a rifle and not get spotted at a presidential rally


  1. Me-Thinks they have figured it out,….
    we dont Trust who is Investigating,….
    and how the fork DO you get on a roof in broad daylight
    without being spotted ?,….Duplicity thats How !

    The Same ones whom are running the show Trials are investigating !

  2. ” How the Hell do you get on a roof during a Presidential rally and not get spotted”? Hmmmmm….You get help? Nufsed !

  3. I have been asking that question as this guy was first spotted and people were trying to get the police/secret service to do something

  4. Not only was Crooks spotted, Trump was left on the stage while the shooter got comfortable and fired eight rounds, plenty of time to place their bets if Trump was going to catch one!
    And now the foxes (FBI) are running the cover up and whitewash! Just like clockwork. If I were Trump I would get a private security team!

    • I would clean house in the Federal Bureau of Idiots and put every one of them who failed to do their jobs in prison for life. Charge? Attempted murder of a POTUS.

  5. While all this was going on, before Trump spoke, why in the hell was he even on stage, when your chasing an assassin, around the convention. What incompetence, by the secret service, their in charge, not all the other cops, Many should be fired. Hidenbiden’s mouth is why this happened,by telling everyone to put a bullseye on Trump. What a pathetic, evil, sick, human being, he almost got our president killed ,because of his sick hatred, of one man, our next president, DJT. Hidenbiden doomed himself, even his own party has had their fill, of a mentally disturbed, senile, old, fool, that is out of touch, with reality. In his state, of mental deteriation he is a danger to all of us and our allies.

    • Biden was not saying kill trump. He was saying I am going to expose his actual motives for changing the constitution and retribution on his opponents.

      • Yup. Biden was saying Trump was going to do the very same thing he himself IS doing. Same old democrat, pass the buck and blame for what we are doing on to the other party. Good point Kahleen. Now go back to school and get an education.

  6. Only a complete IDIOT could not see and figure out the attempt by the power-hungry deep state to try and eliminate the threat to their power just like they have done with all assignations and attempted assignations of all threats to their power as in P. Kennedy and P. Regan all murder attempts were planned by our own Government the CIA, FBI, Secret service and lately the homeland security goons they will attempt more of these in the future. NOTE the shooter was shot after he shot making sure he could not be questioned I think that there will be many more people eliminated to make sure that the real MR.BIG will never be identified the FBIDIOTS & CIA will cover and destroy evidence and all of the deep state will assist as in MSMBC, CBS, CNN, FOX & ETC ETC

  7. What a disgrace for a once august organization. Add this to the killing of JFK, where it seems the FBI was either incompetent or complicit and we have a more-than-serious problem. We have a critical problem.

    Adrian Vance

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