To my surprise, YouTube automatically inserted about 7 midroll ads spread out all over the video. I fixed it, but I’m sorry if you had to suffer.

Are we ignoring that that judges daughter has a firm that represents illegal migrants for money?


    • they are not near as stupid as the ones that believe them. The low IQ also watch The Spew and late night clown shows, now that sniffy, daughter grooming, senile, sloppy Joe Obiden is gone. Will he go to jail for all the slush money he gave to the criminals? gap tooth Abrams? and others. THEY BETTER! Calling Pamela Bondi has anyone seen here? where is she?

  1. These are Venezuelan criminals. They’re the worst of the worst. Nicky Maduro doesn’t want them back in Venezuela.

  2. Were these gangs brought here to be Obama’s brown shirts ? There is no reason other than the destruction, of our country, some people should be arrested for treason.

  3. Honestly, has the ACLU ever been on the right side in ANY conflict with the government, business, or common sense? Now they’re wailing and clutching their pearls over fair treatment for alien gang members who have invaded our country to prey on citizens and wreak their special form of third world havoc. Maybe it’s time to deport the ACLU, so they can live among the degenerates they favor over their fellow American citizens.

  4. Every person who sides with the criminal should have to go live with them. These damn people have NO RIGHTS. When you cross illegal & that makes you a criminal. If anyone of these high & mighty had a family member grabbed raped tortured & dismembered maybe they would change their minds. We need to take all these see o called journalist leftist judges & the nutty lefties put them on a plane & drop them all over there with the criminals.. Actually we should just line them all up & get rid of them. Don’t waste our money on these stupid idiots.

  5. These illegal criminals are just garbage that should end up in a landfill! Why waste our tax dollars to pay to have them deported? Take them out to the Midwest cornfields, dig a giant hole in the ground, and bury them.

  6. Red, I agree. When they enter our country, they’re criminals and they have no rights. Yeah, bulldoze a pit. Make them kneel down, one shot to the head, toss them into the pit, then cover them with dirt. They’re trash. Even Nicky Maduro won’t take them back.

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