NYC Gets Worse… Shoplifters Raid Costco



NYC = Not Your City… anymore.

Theres no point in giving employees body cams. The thieves won’t be punished


  1. If there are no consequences to illegal activity then our society, culture and country are all doomed. Are we truly headed down the road to total communism ?? No more shopping…the Govt. will parcel out what you need and you can pick it up at the designated location and time. Wake Up America !

    • Yes, the democrat plan in big cities is working. The Chicago mayor is already opening government-run grocery stores because other retailers cannot afford to operate in some of the areas of Chicago due to the lawlessness that greatly affects employees safety and the cost of product. That is exactly their plan. I cannot believe the residents enjoy this but they keep voting the same marxist-types into office. Won’t be long until the government is setting prices and driving other business out. Then they tell their subjects what they are allowed to eat.

  2. It’s ALL by design…Welcome to the New World Order…
    “You will own nothing and like it”.
    Out of the mouth of infamous doctor Evil, Klaus Scwab.

    • We need serious campaign finance reform in this country. There is no reason or need for a man like George Soros and his son, way far leftists, to bankroll so many campaigns across our country. Why are they allowed to finance all these marxist District Attorneys in big cities and ensure they get elected?
      It’s hard for me to believe that business owners and taxpayers of NYC truly want this lawlessness. Maybe they think they are gonna be better off with communism. Normal people in 95% of the country enjoy law & order, actual city services, private property, a good job in the free market, elections with integrity, savings accounts, the free market and one day, retirement. My wife’s employer, the biggest hospital in Baltimore, told all its employees those enjoyments are racist and must be eliminated. That DEI Director got canned but at least everyone had an eye-opener that DEI is just another part of that same marxist ideology.

  3. Blame imbeciles like Alvin Bragg who refuse to prosecute shoplifters, but prosecute former President Trump instead. At some point, all the stores will close and the peons will have nowhere to shop. Klaus Schwab is a bag of excrement, but the real doctor Evil is Dr Fraudci (Fauci). He’s an animal torturer and a people torturer too. He’s a small wimp of a man, so torturing helpless animals makes him feel powerful. He’ll have to answer to God one day. Hopefully soon.

    • Don’t blame Alvin Bragg! He is no imbecile. He just doesn’t support the constitution and is a dedicated marxist with an agenda. And just because that agenda is marxism, it doesnt’ mean he isn’t successful at it. New Yorkers supposedly voted him in. Lack of prosecution, reduced sentencing, no bail for serious crimes- all of which are marxist / communist attempts to get the citizens to believe their current system of government doesn’t work. Of course, the marxists will be waiting to help them with a “new” government to replace their constitution.
      With mass mail-out ballots and special voting machines and funding from billionaires, these types will be here forever.

  4. I would classify about half the populace in this country are children of Satan. These people have no remorse, no morals, no integrity and people like schwab, fascinating, Biden and Obama and there are others who fake being Republicans or conservatives that will no doubt face our Heavenly Father one day and answer for their disobedience.

  5. There are some logical solutions to the store robbers. Don’t have sales people use
    cameras as it doesn’t do any good as most of them all look alike with their hoodies on. They should carry wasp spray or tasers and use them to stop the criminals. So it hurts their eyes, etc., but serves them right. Hire a bunch hiring off duty policemen to take them down and be okayed to use body force, night sticks or hit them over the head to floor them and then take them to Jail. So what if one gets hurt….whoopee, serves them right. Then get the judges fired for not giving them tough sentences. If that doesn’t work cut off a few fingers or have the police shoot them in the arm or leg so they can’t rob any more. Word will get around about the harm that can come to them and they may think twice about doing it again. If they don’t learn, thats their problem. Harsh punishment is the solution to the problem. Don’t be a wimp and take this comment down….showing you back the criminals.

    • All of your thoughtful solutions, Lisa, can work but only when there:
      1)Are LE who are supported when doing their job rightfully.
      2) a District Attorney who believes in, and is willing to:
      -Prosecute the thugs once apprehended
      -Not prosecute the cops and others for stopping the criminality
      -recommend sentences that remove the criminals from society for a sufficient period
      New York’s previous mayor, Warren Wilhelm acted like quite the marxist himself, defunding NYPD and disbanding their most effective street crimes units. Then took away their civil qualified immunity. The DA’s don’t care enough to prosecute violent criminals because that goes against the bigger plan to turn the city into chaos.
      These are not my words, our recent leaders made these statements. BHO said the people will not accept his “fundamental change” until they are convinced their current form of government is failing. Now it’s failing, but by marxist design. They control the cities.

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