Retired Colonel Black Hawk Helicopter Pilot and Commercial Pilot REVEAL what Really Happened!



Being cheep, I worked for the 3rd circuit court in Detroit and it was full of DEI, people did not have a clue what they were doing, I was a IT tech, working for a temp company, and the DEI workers were so afraid that we would take their jobs, so they let us go, now I went to the employment department to job hunt, and when I got there all the computers were down, so I fixed them, and asked while standing in the office, “Are you hiring? and all I got was silence, because I guess I was not a qualified DEI, I am a black man, but not a black man in a wig and dress. And look at the mess this country got in

There’s a LOT MORE near misses in the skies than the public realizes. They’re just not reported!


  1. People are wondering why the air traffic controller didn’t give out a strong warning when they saw what was happening… I think I heard once that controller’s must stay calm no matter what

  2. With DEI the controller would have a nice pleasant, calm voice no matter what.
    That is of course because he has no idea of what is going on.

  3. I do not like helicopters and will never go up in one again. I have flown small planes i.e., a Piper Cub. Flying over Niagara Falls, I was told to fly at 4000 feet to be well above the tourist helicopters. Taking no chances with the damn helicopters.

  4. ….the first guy up reading the text from his “Former Black Hawk Pilot” friend…sounds like a bunch of malarkey. His explanation about a Crew Chief sounds like a Deep State limited hangout explanation to quiet speculation about what did happen. I watched the flight path of that Helicoptor from well before it hit that plane…and according to the animated tracking… the Helicoptor almost hit 3 other planes before it hit the CRJ. That helicoptor had plenty of time to see the plane, was informed about the plane…and still flew directly into the plane’s flight path for over a minute, and hit it like a guidled missile. Sounds like some cover up operation to me.

    • are YOU saying, the Trans Parents, See? is not still in effect? We the Sheeople are still paying taxes, to be lied to, by our employees (public servants)? When will IT all stop? maybe when “WE” stop paying them?

  5. A Piper Cub has a 5.9 liter 4 cylinder Lycoming engine. They run at 2700 rpm, but you can keep the plane in the air at 2500 rpm. On a sunny day, I can see “my” plane’s shadow on the ground. It looks like I’m crawling, but I’m actually doing 110-120 mph. They burn about 12 gallons of aviation gas per hour. Avgas is 100 octane low lead. Avgas contains no ethanol and smells different than the poor quality ethanol-laced gas that we’re forced to use in our cars.

  6. Blackhawk short a crew member, ATC chronically short staffed. Is this business as usual? (till an accident). Why was the Blackhawk flying at that time? Whose stupid call? We do things this way cause we’ve done things this way. Perfect beautiful clear night.

  7. You have a fuel mixture control; full rich or full lean. As you gain altitude, the air becomes thinner and you can lean the fuel mixture a bit. You push the lever towards lean. When the engine begins to cough and sputter, you richen the mixture a bit. And that’s all you have to do with that. It would be nice to have on a car engine.

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