Trump Deranged NBC Anchor Chuck Todd QUITS As Liberal Media Ratings TANK TO THE WORST IN HISTORY!



HAHAHA! Trump effortlessly keeps breaking these fools. Cmon, Joy Reid, don’t let me down!!!

Get rid of Mad Cow and evil joy reid


  1. Darwin’s Theory in action. Those who refuse to adapt to changes in the environment end up being food or fertilizer for those who do. In this case, it was fertilizer.

    • IF this is what can happen with 5 million less stupid voters, can you only imagine what a purge or the RED states separating from this (still) evil empire could do? I HAVE A DREAM

  2. Maybe he can volunteer to go live with the vile MUZSLIME and put on a blast belt for the ghastly Gazans and have a premature detonationq

  3. Awww, no! You’re breaking my heart.. This is Chuck Toady, the ball licking ass sucking POS who has made a living on his knees. I don’t know how he lasted as long as he did. Now that the Dems are OUT,,, he will go with them. The parasite’s host is dying, so it’s time to bail. He is a has been, nobody who was paid way too much for nothing. I see signs for service workers all over Denver, servers, cleaners, checkers at Walmart. Hurry, Chuckie, before some migrant beats you to it, but it is hard to run on your knees, isn’t it , you pathetic SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. OMG… This pathetic toady has an issue with someone who can see both sides of a coin. Isn’t that journalism???? She can walk and chew gum at the same time. A conservative on a liberal news rag? Wow, now there is a thought. More than one opinion….. ITS CALLED FREEDOM OF SPEECH, you pathetic puppet. This guy is a walking TW-T. NObody wants to hear him whine about his opinions (which are those of the puppet masters who have their hands up his ass) He is repulsive, obsequious, and when the networks fill his plate with sht, he always is first in line to ask for seconds. He will be forgotten the minute he shuts the hell up.

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