Snipers’ location and shot recreation.


The Secret Service shouldn’t have let Trump take the stage; they were in on it.

Snipers were there to eliminate the other side of the story .


  1. We are 35 trillion dollars in debt, and the SS says they don’t have the funding to protect Trump…??? Sounds like they want Trump to acquirer room temperature.

  2. Does it matter who shot the shooter? The powers that be allowed the shooter to get his shot off and then neutralized the threat. Divine intervention is why Trump is still alive!

  3. Watch the 2007 Mark Walberg movie ‘Shooter’. The set-up by the Deep State in the movie is eerily similar to what happened on July 13.

  4. Trump would be a lot safer if he hired his own professional protection service to protect him from the secret service and the FBI or a better name would be the American KBG…look at all the people who were “protected “ by these SS troopers..JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan , Lee Harvey Oswald etc….hell of a record of protecting …don’t ever trust the government…look at how much tax money and social security these people steal

  5. The 2020 election was a fraud! Biden was put there just for the title! Obama and his crew run him like a puppet. How do you win an election by sitting in your basement? Our country has gone so far under and I don’t know how we will ever climb back. We need a change and a big one sooner than later. God saved Donald Trump for a reason! I was living good when he was in office. My hope is that there will not be a terrorist attack throughout the USA, because of all the terrorist that have illegally crossed our border and placed themselves in the 4 corners and middle of our country. Those terrorist are very patient and are just waiting for the right time to hit us. God help us if this happens!

    • I agree I’m afraid we will never know the whole truth about the shooting now that the FBI cover up is in place Hell they want us to still believe that Lee Harvey was the lone shooter in Dallas

      • You are correct, Bill. I’m 79 years old and well remember the Kennedy assassination. It seems like another government cover up. Who says history does not repeat itself! Our only hope is for President Trump to be elected once again. Then this country can finally get on the right path.

    • Absolutely correct on every point you made.
      This country never needed and sure does not need now a Kamala Harris.
      She should just retire because she has shown to be a failure in every other “job” that she has had. I just hope enough people smell the coffee and WAKE UP.

  6. Very enlightening video. I’m glad your brother and family was spared from this maniac who tried to assassinate a wonderful human being, President Trump.
    And shame on the FBI, Secret Service for an absolute failure in performing their main duty to protect the president. For my money, we have not had a president since Donald Trump was forced out of office.

  7. trump had fire the head of the fbi an all of the ones that was in on the attemp of his life god looks afte risreal an we help them so god could see what thay were up to so he save trump to set this country back on tract

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